Employers - Frequently Asked Questions


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Q. What are the dates for Practicum?

A. Practicum usually begins the first Monday after the end of the 4th semester term and runs for 4 weeks. Practicums usually fall in the months of January, May and August-September.

Q. Will Practicum be virtual, in-office or a hybrid?

A. Depending on federal and provincial health regulations and location, practicums may be in-office, virtual or hybrid.

Q. Are Practicums Paid or Unpaid?

A. There are no expectations of payment for SAIT Found and AHS Practicums. Student Found Practicums may be paid or unpaid. If a student is doing their Practicum with their current employer, then they would continue to be paid their current wage.

Q. What hours are the students expected to work?

A. Students are expected to adhere to the same daily/weekly work hours as all other full-time employees in your organization.

Q. Are students insured while on their Practicums?

A. Yes, SAIT provides insurance to students during their practicum term.

Q. Can students be asked to sign a "Non-Disclosure" document?

A. Yes, if your company requires it.

Q. Can students be required to have a Police Check?

A. Yes, if the sector they are working in requires it.